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Costo x Susivilla
One of this year's absolute highlights which I haven't even had the chance to tell you about yet was a collaboration I did this autumn...

Siisti huivin viimeistely
Vuoden viimeisessä TAITO-lehdessä ilmaantui minulta huiviohje ihanalle Suomenlampaanvillalle suunnitellulle huivimallille. Ohjeessa...

Pikseli -vauvanviltti
Kuva: (C) @taitolehti No niin! Tämä on ohje jota aloin suunnittelemaan jo helmikuussa 2017 ja mielessäni sillä oli aina työnimi...

Kyly -laudeliinasta kaulahuivi?
I-ha-naa! Taas läpsähti postiluukusta uusin TAITO- lehti! Uuden taiton (hahaa, -Taiton taiton-) myötä lehdestä on minusta tullut...

Kolme vinkkiä kudonta-ohjeen varioimiseen!
Voi että! Minne se kevät menikään? Ai niin! Lapissa ei ollut kevättä tänä vuonna, vaan meille tuli heti talven jälkeen kesä ja melkoinen...

The written pattern...
...vs. the pattern in my head. At the beginning of the year I had my first pattern for weaving published in the...

First Day
Last night was the last day of the Year, and as I scrolled through social media how people were spending New Year's I was curled up under...

Feature in "Lapista Käsin" Booklet from Sapporo
Happy Lucia day! This week I was happy to learn my weavings made it into a feature in this Japanese booklet about artisans and...

Moss, heather and marsh tea
I came back from Urkult World music festival late last night feeling tired, but at the same time very inspired. Such interesting artists...

Susivilla on Strömsö
A few weeks back i was invited to do a Strömsö episode at their pretty estate/filming location in Vaasa. (Image is link to Yle Areena...

Talk about surprises coming my way...
Oh my god! I got invited to come weave at Strömsö! Strömsö is a Finnish lifestyle TV show on national public tv that features and shares...

Stripes are the soul of Finnish textiles
After weaving more actively for the last two years it just hit me this winter how much I'm completely in love with stripes! This year...

I too, am the weaving kind
At the end of last year I joined FibeShare's The Weaving Kind online community because I want to explore new ideas and materials in...

Designing with rags
When designing with rags, I usually make a plan, a blue print, to follow as I go, based on the amounts of weft I have. Using recycled...
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