Happy Lucia day!
This week I was happy to learn my weavings made it into a feature in this Japanese booklet about artisans and craftspeople from Lapland. Also my friend Tuomas Kumpula with his artisan coffee roastery Rovaniemen Kahvipaahtimo is included! And Vanhalan Lammastila which has the loveliest natural sheep's wool!
The first edition of this booklet is produced by Japanese-Finnish culture coordinator Ulla Pirkola and Kuropunkt and for now, the booklet can be found locally in Daimaru Christmas market in Sapporo, but the convincing editorial skills of the production team are inspiring me to ask for it to be made into a book and feature more local artists and craftspeople, don't you agree?
Ulla, Mikael, what do you think? Make a book about our neck of the woods, please?!
I live in such a small community in the very perifery of a periferal country that the fact that someone takes the time to produce booklets like these means so much! And in Japanese. This is very exciting. Thank you guys!
There's so much going on right now, it makes me really enthusiastic about starting 2017.
I was in Helsinki last week meeting with TAITO magazine producer Jonna Hietala and among other things I chatted with her about making crafts books and she encouraged me to start a book of some sort. Making a book is an idea which has been tickling me for years now but I didn't really feel like I had a clear angle for it.
I'm starting to have an idea about that now though so it might be the right time to start putting the writing, photography and craft together.
But hey, til the book comes about you will find the pattern for this shawl in TAITO January issue!
Photo credit: Jonna Hietala/TAITO Lehti 2016