Seeking shared experiencesI've been feeling a little blue every now and then and I think I finally managed to pin point why that is. I primarily work alone, from...
Lampshades for the entrepreneurially mindedTellUs @ Oulu University - Glad to see one of last year's projects come to a successful conclusion. Handwoven lampshades with the notable...
Supporting localRight, so recently local food is becoming the standard in the most recently opened new restaurants and diners. Downtown you can, again,...
Project YellowFor the past few weeks I have been working on (yet another) massive yellow project which has added up to more than 20 meters of...
Yrittäjyyden teemavuosi Oulun YliopistollaOulun Yliopistolla vietetään tänä vuonna Yrittäjyyden teemavuotta (linkki heidän sivuille), ja he päättivätkin panostaa hieman erilaisiin...